What is a web hosting service? Hosting companies offer the tools needed to build a good website for an online hobby or business and enable its accessibility online. This guide gives you pertinent information to help you choose the right and top rated web hosting companies that have fast service and low fees. You do not want a provider with lousy support, regular downtimes, among other pains of having a bad host. It is essential that you look out for various factors when choosing a hosting company, let’s check bellow:
Things to consider when choosing web hosting companies
1. Price – You get what you pay for. This depends on whether your website is for business or a hobby. If it’s primarily for business, it may not be reasonable to go for a free or cheap deal.
2. Price breakdown – Look out for pricing tricks. Most hosting companies offer low entry prices and then raise their rates as time goes by. This could be 15 or 30 months after you sign up. Be sure to ask about the total ownership cost.
3. Reputation – Is the hosting company trustworthy? There are numerous scammers on the internet, and anyone can pose as a web hosting provider. Ensure you check how long they have been operating, their contact details, reviews, who owns them, and how realistic their promises are.
4. Knowledge-ability – Are you confident with your website creation skills? Do you fully understand the commercial and legal ramifications of publishing a website?
5. Website builders Vs. hosting companies – Website builders are an alternative to hosting companies for creating an online presence. However, their proprietary nature can make it hard to migrate your content. There are numerous web hosting tiers available in the market today.
Each hosting company offers a variety of features that you should thoroughly analyze before you start out. Here are the five top recommended web hosting companies based on uptime, usability, speed, and cost/value ratio, among other factors.
6 Top rated web hosting companies reviewed
Are you looking to host your website in Canada? HostPapa has its headquarters in Toronto. In fact, Hosting Foundry considered HostPapa as the best web hosting service in Canada. Interestingly, you get to pay in CAD which is a great bonus. Among its most noticeable attributes is that the company is among the initial green hosts in the business: it offsets its power consumption through eco-friendly sources.

They provide various support options including chatting with a customer service representative online and talking on the phone. You can also use their knowledge base, status pages, email, video tutorials, and also free video training sessions one on one. If your target market/audience is international, HostPapa provides free Cloudfare CDN on all plans, meaning all data is stored in various parts of the globe as a cache, so users can access your website faster despite the location of the primary data center.
Bluehost web hosting
Bluehost, owned by the Endurance international group is a web hosting company based in Utah. Its services include a shared hosting plan offered from $2.99 monthly basis. It also has hosting plans for WordPress websites charged from $20 every month with great discounts during the introductory period. From your plan, an automated WordPress setup is availed among other applications through a system powered by Mojo marketplace. A cPanel is also available to allow users with some expertise change things around.

The Weebly based builder is also available. This, being browser-based, enables easy setup for websites of up to six pages. No additions, e.g., site templates are included, but it’s better than nothing. Its pipeline has more functionality, and this builder is also available for a free account. The customer support is excellent, which involves some user-friendly aspects and high power and potential modifications for advanced users.
InMotion web hosting
InMotion is a popular web host with great respect and profession. It has been operational for over fifteen years, providing an impressive, massive range of plans which include web hosting which runs from a few dollars every month. Within its plans, InMotion avails both Softaculous panel and cPanel. You get excellent customer support if at all stuck with anything any time of the day or night.

Their performance levels are exceptional, a factor to consider if you need a fast loading website. In place of the typical mechanical devices, they use SSDs to help your website load faster. They offer unlimited disk space and bandwidth. However, this is rendered useless if you hit CPU capacity.
A good impression is that some extras are bundled within their plans, services which cost an extra charge in other hosting providers. This includes DDoS and malware protection, a primary backup system, and spam-free emails. Their pricing comes in hand with a ninety-day money-back guarantee if you do not get satisfaction from their services.
Hailing from Lithuania, Hostinger is among the largest free web hosting providers through its 000webhosting brand. It has some of the most affordable prices and over 30 million users. They prefer using their own technology to enable tighter control on features and performance. Their cheapest offer is an $ 0.80-monthly web hosting package for those who select a four-year contract. This is an excellent option if you are starting up on a small online project.

However, it is limited because it does not include a domain name or SSL. Hostinger also has a business package which is highly vouched for. It offers MySQL databases, GIT integrations, unlimited bandwidth, CloudFare DDoS protection, SSH, SSL and email accounts inclusive of daily backups for only $3.45 monthly if you select a four-year contract which comes to about $166. You also get a range of features. This plan provides memory and 4X processing power if you require a boost.
HostGater web hosting
Are you on a budget? $ 2.64 each month for the three-year contract. HostGater has a hatchling plan that is very unrestricted. They do not have a limit on disk space, bandwidth, email accounts, FTP, subdomains, and MSQL databases. With the basic package, you also acquire cPanel-based management and even a 99% uptime guarantee.

Their customer support is available 24/7, Bing Ad Credits, and Google worth $200. They have a 45-day money-back guarantee. However, it has some drawbacks; you don’t get a free domain name until a year. You are also limited to, operating one website if you are on the Hatchling plan.
For many reasons, Dreamhost is a five rated hosting company. To add to the commission services it provides, it offers free-shared websites for nonprofits. They are very responsive to tickets and chats, even though their phone support is not available 24/7. Dreamhost offers SSL, SSH, super fast SSDs, and a 97 – day money-back guarantee. There are no hidden rates in their pricing.
The Final Words (Conclusion)
When it comes to hosting, it’s all about getting the most effective and best solution affordable. With these six hosting plans, you can never go wrong. After you choose a provider, ensure you test the internet speed to see to it that the data is timely processed. Fat CPU power and RAM also influence the speed of a website.