How to login Asus router? Forgot Asus router login

Connect the Asus Router to the Computer

The Asus router, just like every other router, is often bound to lose signal or the associated login credentials. If and when this happens, you might normally find yourself unable to enjoy the benefits that come along with these routers in the first place.

Only by mastering the various Asus router login techniques, will you be able to mitigate this particular problem conveniently. We have come up with some steps and procedures you want to make use of to deal with this particular problem. It is our hope that you shall find them quite informative and eye-opening indeed. Hope this article will help you to fix the login issue if you forgot Asus router login.

Why we forget Asus router login?

This error arises for several reasons. Some of the major reasons that underlie it are:

  • A change in the configuration of the internet settings. These include the IP address which may often make the signals lost or unable to reach your computer.
  • Updates to the programs or the computer’s operating system may also give rise to this particular problem.
  • Reassignment of a new IP address by your internet service provider also has a role to play in the emergence of this particular issue.
  • In case the proxy server through which your computer accesses the internet has any problems, an Asus router login problem may often be an end result.
  • Loss of network strength in the area where you are based also has a role to play in the emergence of this particular issue.

How to login Asus router?

Step I: Connect the Asus Router to the Computer

Start off by connecting your Asus router to the computer by using an Ethernet Cable. Such a connection is absolutely vital as it is the first point of contact with the internet. After you have made the connection, proceed to ascertain the strength of the signal and the network as a whole. Only embark on troubleshooting the problem if the network is either non-existent or has a poor signal strength.

How to Login Asus Router

Step II: Key in the Default IP address

You now have to key in the default IP address. This is often called a default gateway. It is the one that is assigned to all the Asus routers at the factories. The address is Alternatively, you may try the web version Keying in either address shall direct you to the Setup GUI Console Page. It is from this page that you shall proceed with the rest of the troubleshooting exercise.

Step III: Open a browser

Open any browser in your computer. These could be the Firefox, Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer. After opening them, try to access your ordinary popular web pages. Notice and observe how the pages respond. If you can access them, you are good to go. If you cannot do so or have to experience some hassles to do so, you might have to go on with the troubleshooting exercise.

Step IV: Type the Default IP at the URL Box

Now type the default IP address at the URL box. This is Once you are through, press ‘Enter’ to execute the changes and commands. You yet again have to monitor how your browser and machine responds to these prompts.

Step V: Key in your Password and Username

The above address will give rise to a new dialog box. This box shall prompt you to key in your username and password. There are two possibilities here. Either the Asus router shall accept those credentials or it shall reject them. If the system declines your offer, you will have to make use of the default username and password as some viable alternatives.

Step VI: Use the Default Login Credentials

In case the Asus router rejects your login credentials, you have to enter the default ones in their stead. Try the following combinations and see how they turn out to be:

Username = admin, Password = admin.

ASUS - Default Router Password and Settings

Step VII: Try some other alternatives

In case the above alternatives do not yield any viable outcomes, you might want to try out these as well:

Username- admin, Password = Password

Step VIII: Reset your Wireless Router

If all the alternatives above fail to take you to the Router Setup Page, you may wish to reset your Wireless router. To do this, press and hold the ‘Reset’ button for around 10 seconds. This shall restore the router to the factory settings. It shall, in turn, reset the password of the router as well.

The default password as stated is the ‘admin.’ The username is often just left blank. To be certain that the router has been reset, check the LED power indicator. It has to blink in the process of pressing the preset button.

Once you are through with pressing the reset button, unplug the power adapter of the router. The power LED indicator shall keep blinking for a couple of seconds after the conclusion of the reset exercise. You may wish to power cycle the router in case the power light is not solid after one minute of the reset exercise.

Tips to Avoid the Error Next Time

The following tips shall come to your rescue if and when you need to prevent this problem in future:

  • Update all changes in time as they arise to prevent being locked out of the system.
  • Be mindful of the programs you allow to be installed in your computer system. Only accept those that are compatible with your system to prevent any further issues.
  • Moments before any new IP address is re-assigned, vet and update them immediately. This shall prevent any mismatch between the new address and your system.
  • Always keep in contact with your admin to ascertain any server issues and make appropriate arrangements for their solutions in time.


As you may well have noted, the Asus router login is somewhat complicated. Because of this, you need some level of expertise to handle this particular problem if and when it arises. You do not have to invoke expert assistance or be an expert yourself to solve it though.

To get round the issue, you just have to master the procedures we have outlined above and hold some mock games from time to time. This way, you will be able to build your capacity and in so doing, get better placed at handling such issues in the long run.