Hello Friends, Welcome to TopPCTech.Com. Today I have presented the article about How to Fix Err_Tunnel_Connection_Failed error easily. This is a simple connection error to show in your browser unexpectedly. Maximum time Google Chrome user faces this err tunnel connection failed error. There are some common issues create this tunnel connection failed error. Before fixing the error, you should know the reasons of the error for avoiding the error. The reasons are given in the bellow.
- You may face this tunnel connection failed error for changing the LAN settings.
- If you use proxy address then it will be the possible reason of this problem.
- Browsing data and cache may block your connection and you face this.
- Maybe Proxy or ISP stops your connection and you face this connection error.

The above reasons are mainly created this err_tunnel_connection_failed error. So at first you check one by one and identify the possible reason that shows the error on your screen. After that read the bellow given solution and then apply the best one for fixing the error.
Best Fix ‘Err_Tunnel_Connection_Failed’ Error
There are lots of solutions in the online for fixing this error but all are not working well. Here in this article, I show only the best working solutions that collected from top tech forums and experts. So you can apply the bellow given solutions without any doubt. Let’s go to the solutions area.
=>> Solution 1- Check Connection LAN Settings-
This is the main solution to this error because many tech forum members fix this error by applying this solution. Normally malware and adware virus can change the browser connection and LAN settings and create this. You can easily check this issue and fix it by following the bellow steps.
At first open your Google Chrome browser then Copy the bellow quote and Paste in the search box. Now press Enter from your Keyboard.
Now scroll down bellow and click on the Show advanced settings then again scroll down and go to the Network section. Now click on the Change proxy settings button.

Here you see a new popup that name is Internet Properties, now you click on the Connection tab from the above menu then click LAN settings from bellow like the following image.

Now you will do the main work, at first, check the box that said ‘Automatically detect settings’ then uncheck the box that said ‘Use a Proxy Server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN connections)’ and finally clicks on the OK button.

Now you close all the tab of your Chrome browser then re-open the browser and check the error. I hope it may be fixed. If you see the err tunnel connection failed error after applying the solution then you will move the next solutions.
=>> Solution 2- Check Proxy IP, Password, and Port-
If you use proxy IP for using the internet then you check the proxy IP address, password, and port. Because the wrong proxy address may create this error.

You can also re-check your main internet connection addresses like username and password. If all the address is right then the above first solution will work for you.
=>> Solution 3- Clear Browser Cookies & Cache Data-
Sometimes browser cache and cookies may block the connection and show this err tunnel connection failed error. So you can clear the browser cookies and history that may fix this problem.
Just open your Google Chrome browser and copy the bellow quote then paste it into the search bar. Hit Enter from the keyboard.
Now click the Remove all from above then click Done button from the bellow.

You can also clear browser data by the following steps. Open the Chrome browser again then copy and paste the bellow quote in the search box then hit Enter.
Now check the entire box then click on the Clear browsing data button from bellow.

After completing the steps you close the browser and re-open the browser for checking the error. I hope the error may be fixed by this solution. You can also uninstall the browser and install the updated Chrome Browser from here.
=>> Solution 4- Contact to Proxy or ISP Provider-
Another possible reason is your internet service provider may block your IP for malicious attack for an instant you see this error message. If the above solutions do not work for you then you will contact your ISP or proxy provider and tell them details of the error. I hope they will assist you to fix this connection error.
I have tried my best to present the details best solution for fixing the err_tunnel_connection_failed error. If you apply the solutions carefully then the error may be fixed. You can also see a similar error err_proxy_connection_failed solution from here. Now it’s your turn to write a comment in the bellow, which solution does work well for you or if you have any better solution then you must write for others.