If you have used Google Chrome for browsing the web. You have probably come across this message at one point or another: error “This site can’t provide a secure connection– ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR”.
For a start, this error arises whenever you are attempting to open a website. It mainly results when you are unable to establish a secure server connection. Being a common and potentially inconvenient error, it is necessary to know how to tackle it. We shall walk you through the basics of how to get this job done.

Why we Face Err SSL Protocol Error
Software Conflicts – Chances are that the version of the Chrome software you are using is out of date and is hence unable to pair well with the internet resources. It is necessary to check this out before starting out.
Incorrect Internet Settings – To be able to access a site, you have to enter some settings. It is these settings that the computer uses to access the resources which are placed in the World Wide Web. Any errors or inconsistencies in these settings may give rise to the problem above.
Unsecured Connection – Connections have to be secured to maintain their integrity and ward off the loss or theft of data. Any lapse in network security may also cause the error to arise.
Server Problem – Any issues affecting the servers like downtime, power problems, or connection issues may also impact the access of the stored resources. They too may lead to the rise in the issues and errors above.
Lack of Client Authentication Certificate – Lastly, some websites require the client to authenticate the requests before upholding them. The lack of these authentication certificates may also cause the error above to be generated.
5 Ways to Fix Err_SSL_Protocol_Error
Check the Date of Your System
The incorrect date is by far the most common issue behind the emergence of SSL errors. This problem is mainly occasioned by an inconsistent synchronization of the date of your computer with that of the server you are attempting to access. To combat this problem, simply follow these steps:
Step I: Click the date icon on your computer’s taskbar. You will definitely have to possess administrative privileges to be able to gain access to this resource.
Step II: Set the date and the time appropriately. The exact manner of going about this depends largely on the operating system you use.
Step III: Click ‘OK’ like you as you are done to effect those changes. Go ahead now to refresh the page you were trying to access by pressing F5 on your keyboard.
Clear the Browsing Data
Some data that is cached may also impose an unnecessary burden on your browser and prevent it from operating smoothly. It is for this reason that you want to attempt to clear the cache after resetting your timer in vain. The following steps might be of help:
- Launch the Chrome browser in your computer
- Press Ctrl + Shift + Delete
- Set the time range to “All Time”
- Check “Cookies and other site data”
- Then check the “Cached images and files” checkbox
- Press ‘Clear Data’
This should do just fine!
Clear Your SSL State
If the problem still persists after attempting the two procedures above, you want to try clearing the SSL state of your computer. These procedures will enable you to do just that pretty well:
Step I: Click the three dots that appear next to the address bar in the Google Chrome browser. These dots appear right below the close button of your browser.
Step II: Now click ‘settings’ and then scroll way down to the ‘Advanced Click’ on the button in order to expand those advanced settings.
Step III: You now have to scroll down to the ‘Open Proxy Settings’ option underneath the ‘System’ section and then click it. A window titled ‘Internet Properties’ shall pop up.
Step IV: Go to the ‘Content Tab’ of that window and then click ‘Clear SSL State.’
Step V: Now attempt to open the website once in the Chrome browser.
Disable QUIC Protocol of Chrome
You now have to try to disable the QUIC Protocol of the Google Chrome browser. Do these to make the dream a reality:
Step I: Paste chrome://flags/#enable-quic in the address bar of the Chrome browser and then press ‘Enter.’
Step II: This will open an experimental QUIC Protocol option which is set to default. Disable the protocol.
Step III: Finish off by relaunching the Chrome and the reopening the website a second time.
Check Your Antivirus Settings
In some instances, it is your antivirus that may, in fact, be the reason why your SSL error arises. This is because all modern antivirus programs do scan the websites from time to time for any malicious elements and any other possible security threats. These include scanning the SSL/TLS versions of your sites.
In case a website possesses an outdated version of an SSL, the antivirus is programmed to block it. It in so doing hinders anyone from accessing that particular page or URL. You may attempt to disable the antivirus temporarily to deal with this problem. To do this:
Step I: Go to the Control Panel and access the specific antivirus you have installed
Step II: Right click on the program and then click ‘Disable’
Step III: Now try restarting your browser a second time to see what happens.
Tips to avoid the ssl protocol error
Update your Time and Clock – Always see to it that your clock and time are updated beforehand. This should particularly be the case if you change locations every now and then. You have to keep it in line with the new time zone you are in.
Remove Unnecessary Firewall Protections – Chances are that a firewall could be blocking your access to a particular site. Be sure that such protections do not exist. Do this moments before you attempt to start accessing the site of interest.
Contact the Website Admin to Unblock the Website – If you suspect that the Ethernet you are using to access the internet may have blocked your site of interest, seek the intervention of your web admin. Ask him to unblock the site you are interested in.
Work on the Browser Extensions – You may have to get rid of the browser extensions that may be blocking your preferred sites. Just skim through the list of the extensions to weed out any that may be unnecessary.
Clear Cookies and Caches Regularly – Lastly, you also have to clear all cookies and caches on a regular basis. Leaving them intact for a long duration of time may also interfere with your access to these vital resources.
The Final Words (Summary)
Given the limited time and resources at our disposal, we could not exhaust all the various ways and means of handling the- ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR. It is definitely in your best interest to consider taking over from where we left.
This should especially be the case if you find the listing above in-comprehensive or irrelevant to your unique circumstance. All in all, you definitely have to equip yourself with such knowledge because you never know just when you might want to apply it.